Tricuspid stenosis Key pick up points – Large a waves in JVP – Blunted Y descent in JVP – Mid-diastolic murmur – Pulsations in liver Tricuspid stenosis can coexist with mitral stenosis and usually manifests after the Percutaneous mitral valvotomy has been done. Patient will develop features of right sided heart failure. Symptoms Ankle edema AbdominalRead More
#NEETPG #FMGE #INICET Criteria used for diagnosis are NADAS criteria Major Criteria Blue baby with noise in heart is having failure Cyanosis due to R- L shunting. It is central cyanosis non-responsive to oxygen administration Diastolic murmur Systolic murmur grade III or more Congestive heart failure due to L-R to shunting that causes overloading of lungRead More
#chandipuravirus #health #healthcare #healthministry Chandipura virus (CHPV) First detected in Chandipura village in Maharashtra way back in 1965. It is an emerging infection in I I India and is reported annually post rainy season. Genus Vesiculo-virus Family Rhabdoviridae Non-human host Hedge hogs Clinical features Influenza like illness with fever Headache and abdominal pain Nausea Vomiting NeurologicalRead More
#NEETPG #FMG #INICET 1 min read Sudden cardiac death is defined as death occurring within 1 hour of the onset of cardiac symptoms or 24 hours of last being seen healthy and alive. Men are at higher risk. Leading cause if Coronary artery disease Differences in physical finding in Sudden cardiac arrest vs Myocardial ischemiaRead More
#NEETPG #INICET #FMG 1 minute Autoimmune hepatitis formerly called Lupoid hepatitis causes liver cirrhosis and can be identified on antibody profile given below. In most questions’ liver biopsy finding of Interface hepatitis and rosette formation is mentioned making it easier but differentiating type 1 vs type 2 is always a challenge and this article serves toRead More
STEMI has a fibrin rich plaque and hence Fibrinolysis is indicated. NSTEMI has fibrin poor clot and hence fibrinolysis is not indicated. PCI should be done in STEMI in 90 minutes of first medical contact In NSTEMI early invasive strategy is decided by TIMI score. Score of 5-7 will require PCI to be done in 2Read More
NSTEMI/unstable angina is now called as NSTE-ACS The highlight of this condition is formation of platelet rich thrombus which is fibrin poor. Hence Fibrinolysis is not indicated in this condition. In contrast STEMI has a fibrin rich thrombus and hence Thrombolysis is indicated. Clinical features Chest pain at rest or minimal activity that has following featuresRead More
NEET PG 2023: Extension of the cut-off date for internship completion towards eligibility for NEET -PG 2023 National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) shall conduct the NEET= PG 2023 on 5th March 2023 on a Computer Based Platform at various test centers across the country. Online application for NEET-PG 2023 currently being invited atRead More
Hi guys with the NEET PG exam around the corner lets do a quick revision of a neurology topic that is asked both from genetics perspective and to test your clinical knowledge as well. Huntington Chorea Mnemonic: ABCD- autosomal dominant, Anticipation, Bradykinesia, Chorea, Dystonia and dementia Autosomal dominant condition due to defect on chromosome 4 HTT/Read More
Objectives of the Exam To bring uniformity for minimum common standards of education and training of medical graduates in modern system of medicine. Serve as Licentiate Examination for medical graduate to register and practice Entrance Examination for admission to courses of Post graduate medical education Eligibility criteria All FMG medical students approved by the National MedicalRead More