This is a high yield topic for your forth coming exams and must know from medical perspective. Lets focus on indications and contraindications for NIV. Indications for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Mnemonic: “COPD CAN Breathe” COPD exacerbation with hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema with respiratory distress. Chronic respiratory failure (neuromuscular diseases, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, chestRead More
Fibrinolytic agents should be given with 30 minutes of arrival to non-PCI capable hospital where transport to PCI capable hospital is not possible or has delay beyond 120 minutes Current recommended regimen is tPA 15 mg bolus followed by 50 mg Intravenously over 30 minutes and 35 mg over the next 30 minutes. In contrast tenecteplaseRead More
#drmarwahtestseries #drmarwah #marwahtestseries #fmgcoachingindelhi #fmgexam #next Have you done FMG coaching and used all apps and still the result is not optimum? Did you study 12 hours daily and still did not get optimal results? The real problem is lack of MCQ practice and face to face classes by Dr marwah Test series that will helpRead More
Full form of ChatGPT is Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. This open-source Artificial intelligence system started in Nov 2022 is a run way success and Elon musk is tweeting about it means it is something. This AI was able to get a decent score of 50 percent in one of most competitive exam in the world withoutRead More